Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The same coworker that inspired me to write a book (LOL) also used to just crack me up sometimes when she would get extremely worked up over something that wasn't going right for her during a normal workday.  Everyone has those hiccups in their day, it's just how you handle them!  One year for Christmas, I found what was supposed to be a rustic looking ornament that said "BREATHE".  I'm sure that it was meant as a joke due to the frenzy that we get caught up in during the holidays, but I got it for her to put on her desk to look at year round.  Sometimes when I could see her blood pressure rising, I would just point to that sign.  Now I wish that I could get that back or maybe my calling is to mass produce these little signs for everyone out there that handles stress by holding their breath, clinching their teeth or saying not very nice things under their breath.  BREATHE!!!!

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